Monday, July 18, 2011


Perhaps the most telling is the disparate reality experienced by those who know the truth and those that don't:-

When you are under the veil your feelings for the P are very warm and encouraging... This is a direct consequence of the exploitation of whatever your vulnerability might be. If you crave security the provide it, if your crave love or affection they ensure you receive it in abundance. Whatever the need they for fill is completely... Unfortunately unlike normal human beings it has no emotion or real substance.It is simply a game to ensure they get what they need; power, money, sex, anonymity, or cover for other deeds you are not ever going to know about...

The one P I knew had a relationship with two women simultaneously.. Unbeknown to either of them he was frequenting various prostitutes at the same time. Worse still these prostitutes specialized in some rather sordid specializations... How do you promise marriage and a life to two women and there children simultaneously and simultaneously frequent call girls?.... very easily if you are a P.

1 comment:

theTT said...

Thank you CYD for all your contributions that have made this Blog possible.

In addition, thanks must be extended to the the regular contributors and technical collaborators...

We can now say with certainty that our efforts have not been without reward!