Monday, January 10, 2011


"Dr. Paul Babiak, Industrial and Organizational Psychologist and author of the book, Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths Go to Work"  Identifies the three Phases:-

Phase One : Identification
"During this phase, psychopaths assess their victim’s utility (money, sex, power, social status) and inner psychological state (attitudes, values, beliefs, needs, fantasies, hopes, dreams, and ambitions). Understanding your inner life is the key they use to manipulate you. Once a psychopath has identified a suitable target he or she will move into phase two—manipulation."

Some examples: Would remember what you wore on the day he "fell in love" with you, your hair, the place, time

Phase Two Manipulation 
"Here the psychopath will ingratiate themselves to you using a variety of impression management techniques. In this phase, the goal of the psychopath is to create the “mask” or the “psychopathic fiction,” a fictitious person you will trust enough to eventually hand over financial resources and control over your life. Psychopaths are also master game players. But they don’t like to keep playing the same player forever.

Example:- The mask involved a "Fallen man" who longed to live a simple meaning full life. Just wanted to have a family to care for and support. The fact that multiple families lie destroyed behind him... well best you not know that!

Phase 3 is the abandonment phase." When the psychopath gets bored and moves on the victim is discarded."
Example: When confronted by three victims who had found each other and confronted him He simply blamed the victim :"You believed the lies of immoral people"..and was never seen again. No doubt the current victim(s)... (yes you are not the only one)... love him equally as much....


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