Friday, January 28, 2011

For T

I knew a man once who was very well traveled: Vietnam, Morrocco, France, Chad, Venezuela the list was endless... Strangely not a single picture... in fact no pictures of his past at all.

On enquiry:-

Whilst working for a prominent Bank he, according to his co workers, was away for extended periods to attend to his second wife who was gravely ill with cancer... His then second wife however (who was not and is still not suffering from cancer) thought he was off to work each morning working late with short overnight business trips out of town and then short global trips to every corner of the world.

Seems when all the parties got together he was in fact never required to travel overnight (or even ever to work late) with a single trip each year being the extent of actual travel... 

so where was he?

I dont think massage therapists and multiple unsuspecting other women constitute "Travel"... Wife No.3 should do her own discreet checking

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