Monday, March 5, 2012

Affinity Fraud and re invention

Reinvention: the complete makeover!
Most human being, at least those that are reasonably moral and courageous, will assimilate everything that they are, good as well as bad, and attempt to become a better person.. making mistakes and learning from them. More often than not this is a subconscious process guided and informed by our conscience..

With a P there is no conscience and reinvention is a like flicking a switch... devoid of emotion or substance with deceit as its motivation...

I my previous blog I described one particular P. This P went on to the next victim with a grand reinvention:-

Once the new victim was identified, the values that person held were simply and very methodically assimilated as values that were shared by the P... the P now became religious, a life of depravity and corporate marauding was replaced by good and wholesome living. The P is now a family man, with all visible vices being drop, so if P smoke he now didn't, if he drank excessively now he does not...

All these reinventions are dedicated to the victim’s existence in their life...The Victim naturally believes that the P has simply discovered what they already knew about them: That they are a good Person and needed only love to discover it... The veil is now firmly in place... unfortunately it is only a veil... Quietly unbeknown to the victim the depravity continues..Eduan Kapp Eduardo naude Mike Macgregor


Anonymous said...

how can I get in touch with your anonymously? I need to find out...

theTT said...

You could send an email connection that i will respond to